About the Research


Three Generations of Digital Human Rights (Digital HR - 3G) is a 5 year research project supported by the European Research Council. It consists of a research team, headed by Prof. Yuval Shany of the Federmann Cyber Security Research Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and involves researchers based in 3 continents. 


The project explores different strategies developed in the digital age within and outside international human rights law to respond to new needs, interests, risks and challenges brought about by transition of inter-personal interactions, social activities and regulatory schemes from offline to online environments. 


It investigates the development in recent years of three generations of digital human rights: 

(1) adaptation of existing rights and their manner of application to online environments;

(2) the creation of new digital rights, such as right to access the Internet and the right to to be subjected to automated decisions; and 

(3) the introduction of new rights and duty holders (e.g., virtual persons and online platforms exercising quasi-sovereign power)

It also explores the development of alternative protection avenues based on private ordering, including rights by design and community standards, Internet governance and multi-stakeholder arrangements.


The projects aims to produce books, articles, dissertations and other research papers, to convene conferences, workshops and symposia, and to render information about digital human rights accessible to the research community and to policy makers.